Monday, October 11, 2010

"No New Posts!"

Well here we go, the first fateful step in the world of online blogging. I truly enjoy the fact that I can vent in a private, personal forum that may or may not reach multiple people.... Actually the idea is a bit strange to me. I get the idea of searching for personal connection by airing personal thoughts in a public forum, but really how personal can you get when you know other people might read your crazy? With that 'line' in my head I'll endeavor to be open and honest without much that can be perceived as inflammatory.

I think I'll start my first entry with a quick explanation of the title (not that it isn't particularly self-explanatory). The title I had for quite awhile and I can really relate to it. Everything I put here will lean towards the abstract nonsense that fills my head on the days when the demands on my brain activity are so sparse that it can wander to fantastical places. My mal-adjustments are probably similar in some respects to many other people's, but in so many ways as they may be similar I get the feeling that there are twice as many ways in which they're unique. I don't think I fit, like somewhere along the assembly line I got fitted with octagonal pegs in a world of square pegs and round holes. Malcontent has to be my favorite part of the title. The word wasn't new to me when I read it in a book about Alexander the Great, but it's use in labeling a particular group of his oldest and most skilled Macedonian troops resonated with me. Here were the people who left with him and his dreams of conquest when he first stepped forth from Greece, and they had had enough of it. To stop their infectious bad attitude from polluting the ever expanding grand campaign, they were put to death. Their lives were taken for seeing the truth behind their leader, that somewhere along the way he had lost his grip on on reality and was now fueling his ego with a quest for glory he could never obtain. Alexander grew selfish and those who called him such were dishonored for realizing that fact.

I don't have anything in particular to write today. I simply started so that I can say I started and from here can begin with real purpose. I hope to update and add regularly and I plan on draining some of the darker and stranger places of my mind to fill this bucket of whatever-you-will-call-it that will become this blog. Who knows, maybe I'll add a video portion too?


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